The Database Tagging System

growth tools

Source-Where the relationship originated. Open House, Friends, Family, Door Knocking, Internet Lead, etc.. There will be several tags created for Source 

Groups Macro

Mets-Someone who if we contact them they know who we are and we know who they are.  This tag is very broad and covers a large portion of your database. 

Target Group-These people make up a geographic, demographic, or psychographic farm.  Normally the specific tag is going to be the neighborhood they are a member of.  Example: Fox Chase Farm 

Prospect-People who have shown interest in our service but we have not engaged with.  These people have been in our database for 60 days or less and should be on an 8×8 and then 19 Touch. 

Leads-People that we have spoken with who have a real estate need in the next 6 mos. These people should also have an intent (Buyer, Seller, Investor) tag and a motivation (time period) tag. Best practice is to use the six connecting questions from Shift.  Should be put on an 8×8 especially if they are new to the database (less than 60 days)

Nurtures-People that we have spoken with who have a real estate need in the next 6-12 mos. These people should also have an intent (Buyer, Seller, Investor) tag and a motivation (time period) tag. Best practice is to use the six connecting questions from Shift.  Should be put on an 8×8 especially if they are new to the database (less than 60 days)

Strangers-People we have in our database who have been there for 60 days or more but we have not made contact with them or did not keep them in active dialogue.  The goal should be to start or reignite a relationship with these people. 

Don’t Engage-Crazy ass cat people, assholes we have done a deal with, someone from Missouri. Can also include Past Clients and SOI members 

Groups Micro

Mets (might also be helpful to included local and non local) 

  • SOI-People we know but haven’t done a deal with. The goal is mindshare, referrals, and being their agent when they need to transact. 
  • Past Clients-People we have done a deal with 
  • Vendors-People we use to help facilitate transactions or refer our clients to. 
  • Team Member SOI-People who have come from your team members 
  • Referral Agents-Agents who have referred business to the team 


Pipeline/Opportunities-The place in our database where we are able to separate/identify those who have  buyers, seller, or investor intent over the next 12 mos. 

Leads-People who we have spoken with who have a real estate need in the next 6 mos. Also tagged as Seller, Buyer, or Investor and a Motivation tag (see below) 

Nurture-People we have spoken with who have a real estate need in the next 6-12 mos. 

Tagged as Seller, Buyer, or Investor and Nurture tag.  

Motivation (A, B, C, D)-These are only for Leads and are based on when they will become a client. 

A-Someone who intends to sign a listing agreement or buyer agreement this month.

B-Someone who intends to sign a listing agreement or buyer agreement next month

C-Someone who intends to sign a listing agreement or buyer agreement in 2 months

D-Someone who intends to sign a listing agreement or buyer agreement in 3+ months

Relationship Ranking

Based on the level of referrals, reviews, and goodwill we have received from these people we have three different relationship rankings for mets

  • Allied Resources: Multiple referrals per year (B2B partner, Builder, Developer etc) 
  • VIP: Met, repeat client, or 2+ referrals 
  • Champion: Met that’s given a referral or if a Past Client a review 
  • Fan: Met w/ no review or referral but engages 
  • Spectator: Met who never responds or participates 


Following a very simple three-step process, break in, break down, break through, Jordan helps his clients design and live their best lives while maintaining a profitable business.


One-on-one coaching
Group coaching
Live speaking
Virtual sessions


[email protected]