Wellness Wednesday: Your Own Personal BS

growth tools

Today, I want to discuss one of my favorite topics: your own personal BS. But before you jump to conclusions, let me clarify: BS stands for Behaviors and Stories.

I recently had a chat with one of my coaching clients, Brittany Whinery. Brittany is a wonderful person with a huge heart and a lively spirit. She's is a party waiting for a place to happen.

During our conversation, we talked about mindfulness and how to navigate life in a way that brings out the best in us. I introduced Brittany to a concept I call the "Three M's," which are crucial for self-mastery:

  1. Metacognition
  2. Mental Hygiene
  3. Medicine Cabinet of the Mind

Metacognition: Being Aware of Your Thoughts

Metacognition is simply being aware of and understanding your thought processes. It's about noticing how you think and recognizing the patterns that shape your behavior and stories. This awareness is the first step toward mastering yourself.

Our beliefs and thought processes often run on autopilot, influenced by our culture, community, religion, and family. These subconscious programs can control our decisions, perspectives, feelings, and interactions, ultimately shaping our destiny. By bringing these unconscious beliefs to the surface, we can take control of our lives.

Mental Hygiene: Your Personal Routine

The second M is Mental Hygiene. Just like physical hygiene, mental hygiene involves regular practices to maintain mental health. This isn't about following a one-size-fits-all approach but rather finding what works best for you. It might take some trial and error, but developing a personalized mental hygiene routine is essential for overall well-being.

Medicine Cabinet of the Mind: Your Go-To Tools

The third M is having a Medicine Cabinet of the Mind. This means having a set of strategies or tools that you can turn to when you find yourself mentally or emotionally overwhelmed. For me, box breathing is a reliable go-to technique that helps me regain composure and clarity. Finding and practicing your own set of strategies will prepare you to handle life's challenges more effectively.

The Fourth M: Mastery

At the core of these three M's is the concept of Mastery—self-mastery. This is achieved through consistent practice of metacognition, mental hygiene, and utilizing your medicine cabinet of the mind. It's about becoming the master of your own thoughts and behaviors, leading to a more intentional and fulfilling life.

One effective way to practice metacognition is through self-observation. Imagine having an internal conversation between different parts of yourself, like the part that craves a cinnamon roll and the part that wants to eat healthy. By observing these parts without judgment, you can gain insights into your thought processes and make more conscious choices.

Our beliefs and thought processes are like software programs running in the background. To change these programs, we need to first become aware of them. This requires slowing down and taking the time to observe and examine our behaviors and stories. By doing so, we can identify and address the unconscious patterns that influence our lives.

As Glennon Doyle says in her book "Untamed," our beliefs are like software that controls our decisions, perspectives, and interactions. By making the unconscious conscious, we can take control of our lives and create the reality we desire.

Self-mastery is a journey that begins with awareness. By practicing metacognition, maintaining mental hygiene, and having a medicine cabinet of the mind, you can achieve self-mastery and live a more intentional and fulfilling life.

Remember, what you are aware of you have choice in. And choice equals freedom. The more aware you become of your thought processes, the more freedom you have to make choices that align with your true self.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let's continue to practice and cultivate self-mastery together. Live Freed, and have an amazing week!


Following a very simple three-step process, break in, break down, break through, Jordan helps his clients design and live their best lives while maintaining a profitable business.


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